Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Little Flood in My Apartment

I took my one out-of-town vacation to go to the Great Wall came back to a big surprise.  Actually, I was awakened by my landlord at 10:40 p.m. to say there was water running in my apartment and when would I be home.  I explained I was at the Great Wall and wouldn't be able to get home until the bus brought me back at about 2:00 p.m. on Sunday.  Apparently they were testing the water pipes that helped heat the apartment, and the ones in the living room and bedroom both leaked.  Fortunately, they were able to turn off the water so it wouldn't run all night.  And fortunately again, I had left a key with my neighbor who let them in on Sunday morning so they were able to get most of the water up.  The water really didn't go very high.  It just looks like it did because it soaked into the curtains and the walls.  The management said they left a notice on the front doors of the apartment building that someone should be home on Saturday in case their was a problem.  Unfortunately, I do not read Chinese, and they put it up after I had left the building at 7:30 in the morning.   It has been three weeks since it happened and things are beginning to look much better.  For a while there were strange looking orange and black molds growing, but clorox helped put a stop to them.  There are still a few walls the need to dry, but they are coming along.  I love the little surprises the life hands us.  They keep us humble.

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