Wednesday, December 18, 2013

New Apartment - March, 2013

After Dr. Harris left, I was able to move into a new apartment only an eight minute walk from the school. Hallelujah! I wasn't going to spend two hours getting to and from school anymore. I wasn't going to ride nine stops on the subway Line 1 any more. The pictures that follow are of my last trek to subway on the Friday before I moved. It was a beautiful day. I think the city was celebrating with me. I am actually going to miss the section of the city where I have been living. There are small and large markets nearby, a mall, a very good bakery, many restaurants, and plenty of people to enjoy them. If the weather turns the least bit warm, everyone moves to the outside tables to eat so they can soak up as much sun as possible. BUT - I am willing to give all those things up for the eight minute walk to school.

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