Saturday, June 30, 2012

The new apartment

(Details to come... but here are the pictures as a start.)

The apartment building and outdoor garden area

More of the building

The living room

View from the living room

The kitchen



Friday, June 29, 2012

Dinner on Friday

What more can you ask for?

Soy pods, peanuts

Lamb on a stick

How about fired snails to add to the taste of the meal?

Yes, I did eat them.

Street of the fancy restaurant where I ate escargot.

Friday night, after apartment hunting for three hours, Kyle and I stopped to get something to eat.  The roasted lamb smelled wonderful and we decided to eat at one of the little shops on the way home. (This is actually the way I would have had to go home every night if I had rented one of the other apartments.)   Kyle quickly pointed out that the shops along this road were well known for their fried snails and wanted to know if I would like to try some.  I said sure, and they were brought to the table.  

Now I know the first question that popped into your head is why would she try snails and yet not eat the friendly little shrimp in the soup.  I actually have eaten snails before when my family lived in the Samoan Islands. To understand why I would eat them, you have to view life from the mind of a three to six-year old. I was willing to give up the canned peas and beans that were served in my house for the snails and boiled green bananas at the Amu's fale across the street.  I actually can remember sticking a pin in one end and sucking the snail out the other.  It seemed appropriate that if I started my life that way, I should try is again in my later life.  (I was going to say if I started my life that way, I should end my life that way, but that sounded a little too final.)  
So - I did eat them on Friday and really didn't mind them.  They are cooked in oil with very spicy seasoning.  The texture was a little strange - or maybe very strange, but the taste was just plain hot. Will I try them again?  Maybe.  But I don't think it will be a regular dinner choice.

Out and About

I took another walk by myself again yesterday. I found a new way over to the subway line. I even went into the subway to get the layout of everything. It looks great! The only problem is that everything is written in Chinese - imagine that. The good news is that the signs have Chinese characters as well as the alphabet form. I am sure I can figure it out once I start riding it.

Trip to the Subway 

On the way home, I stopped to pick up some fruit and get something to eat. I few things became crystal clear during the experience. At the first market, I realized I need to learn how to count. Because when I went to purchase my fruit, I had no idea what the man said I owed him. He got a rather perturbed look on his face and then wrote 8 on a piece of paper. That is when I knew it would be a good idea to learn my numbers. It is interesting how necessity increases desire to learn. I don't know if you know, but the Chinese count to ten on one hand. The man tried to sign the number eight to me too. I do know how to count on one hand now. The next task will be learning how to say them.

First experience ordering food.  Notice the nutrition bar wrapper in the back.
The picture above shows how my eating habits have had to change. I brought six nutrition bars with me when I came to China. Since I didn't really know where to go or what to order, I ended up eating one bar and some fruit every day for lunch. Yesterday, I ran out of bars, which meant I needed to get some food. I went to shop on the way home from my little outing to get something to eat. Fortunately, they have pictures on their menu, and I recognized the fried rice. I ordered it and brought it home to eat. It was really quite tasty. It was made up of rice, egg, and bits of ham, onions, carrots and a few other things that I didn't recognize. So the picture shows my first attempt at finding and ordering something to eat. I hope to find a few other dishes to eat so I can have a little variety. I am sure I will end up with some interesting food along the way, but eventually I will have my favorites.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A real update

Now that a few days have passed, I think I need to summarize some of my thoughts on this new adventure.  The plane trip over was really very nice.  Korean Air is a very good airline.  I was able to sleep for about seven or eight hours.  They have personal screens and lots of choices for things to watch.  I was able to see the movie “The Iron Lady” which was quite interesting.  I am not sure I liked the format, but I did enjoy learning about Margaret Thatcher.  The food was not great, but it wasn’t bad either.  I have already talked about the layover in the Incheon Airport in Seoul, Korea.  I enjoyed my sleep there and just wandering around.  I was worried about how I was going to get all of my bags through customs when I arrived in China, but I just loaded them onto a cart and started pushing,  They didn’t even stop me to look through anything.  Fortunately Kyle Yang, my business partner was there to pick me up, and I didn’t have to worry much after that.

It is very strange being in a country where I only know a few people, and I don’t know the language.  I think not being able to communicate is very frustrating.  I was going to say that I feel like a little two-year old, but it is really younger than that because I don’t even understand what they are saying let alone have a response.  It was a great help to go to church on Sunday, although my cab driver had a hard time finding the building.  He would look at the map and then drive a little while, then look at the map again and drive some more.  I began to think about the fact that I was in Beijing somewhere with 20,000,000 other people, I didn’t have a phone to call anyone, and I didn’t have any idea where I was.  After a few moments of pure panic, I realized I could show him the card with my address on it and just return home.  

I did finally make it to church - a little late.  I met some very nice people, who all made me feel very welcome.  (I now know about 30 people in Beijing now, but it is better than just one.)  The Relief Society president invited me over for dinner along with four other people, and we all enjoyed getting acquainted with one another.

Actually I was very glad to finish off the day in such a good way because the start was very rocky.  It all started when I got on to Skype with my daughter Kim.  When she answered, her son Jonathan and Kyler’s three boys (who were staying with her) all shouted, “Hi Grandma!”  I instantly burst into tears.I wasn’t sure what possessed me to leave them, and everyone else, to come over here to be alone.  Fortunately, I haven’t had a relapse like that since - just a few minor breakdowns.  I suspect they will be a part of my life until everything settles a bit.  I am sure life will be a little more even when I have my own place and start working.  Nothing like a little work to help fill up the time.  I also am spending a couple of hours a day trying the learn basic Chinese so I don’t feel quite so helpless when I go out.

The food is interesting.  Everything I have eaten has tasted quite good.  They cook all of the food in a lot of fat which has raised a little havoc with my stomach.  I am sure I have lost a few pounds because I haven’t had much sugar, and no snacks since I left home. That and the fact that I use chopsticks to eat with has helped me drop some pounds.  I am getting a little better with the chopsticks.  I can even get most food to my mouth with them now.

The weather has been a little strange.  It is either muggy and hot or muggy and rainy. It hasn’t ever been clear because of the pollution in the air.  It rained off and on all day today, and it is the clearest it has been since I arrived on Friday.  The good news is that I haven’t had to be out in it too much.  The day I made my way to the police station was quite warm.  

Well that about sums it up until now.  It is turning into quite and adventure.  I am sure there are many interesting days to come.  I will keep you posted as they come my way.  Love you all!

What Mom looks like...

When she stops paying attention to the Skype camera.  (She says she's doing her "Wilson" impression from Home Improvement.)

Monday, June 25, 2012

A quick tour

Off to run errands, so I thought I'd take some pictures as I go.

 The apartment building where I'm staying temporarily while I look for my own new place. (The one on the left.)

Along the path


The path went under a busy street.

Another turn in the road.

Moving right along.

Path moves into an older neighborhood.

Made it to the police station and registered. I want to stay legal.

Heading back home.

Love McDonalds - they have them everywhere. I had an ice cream cone to help cool off.

Passed the Silk Market. Resisted the urge to go in.

Made it to the bank and exchanged my money.

Another view of the bank.


Joined all of the others going somewhere.

 Back in my neighborhood. It was welcome sight.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

I made it...

My first breakfast in China. The soup consisted of noodles and seaweed. It was really quite tasty - just a little strange to be eating it for breakfast.

Friday, June 22, 2012

On my way

If you ever want to visit a beautiful airport, be sure an visit the Incheon Airport in Seoul, Korea. I landed there about 3:30 a.m. and wondered if I would be able to find a place to sleep. I slept on the seat between the girls in blue and green. My backpack was my pillow and my jacket was my blanket. I had quite a nice rest for about three hours. The next few pictures are of the other people sleeping or of the shops as I wandered through the airport. It was really very lovely.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

She is leaving on a jet plane...

We will miss our mom very much but are excited for this new opportunity for her.  Good luck mom!!!

Away I Go

The day has finally arrived.  I will leave for China in seven hours.  I will keep you posted.