Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Another Visitor from Home

I arrived in China on June 23, 2012, and spent from June to November trying to get my bearings. Although I had a part-time job from July to the middle of September, I spent many days with nothing to do. I also wasn't very brave about venturing out.  In October a friend offered me some DVD's to watch. One of their gifts was the first three seasons of Downton Abbey which I ended up watching in one week's time. I want you to know that I think the series is a very fine one, but watching it all in one week was a little depressing. I could not figure out why the family didn't just dump all of the trouble makers in the servant's quarters. I know. I know. Every good story needs some antagonists to keep us reading or tuning in. By the end of the week, I felt I was part of the series - I'm not sure if I was part of the gentry upstairs or the servants downstairs, but I was right there with them. I think it was that week that made me realize I needed to find a job - as soon as possible.

How quickly the tables turn. I got a job. Char came to visit, AND Bishop David Barker came to Beijing on business. It was so good to see a familiar face on Sunday, November 25. I had made dinner plans with Isabel at her apartment, and she invited David to come along. Our bus trip took us by a lake, so we stopped and walked around a little bit. It was cold, but still a very beautiful afternoon. The dinner at Isabel's was delicious as usual, and it gave me the chance to hear the latest news. I think we covered everyone in the ward and then some.  About five o'clock, we walked to the subway and found our separate ways home for the evening. It was so wonderful to hear about all of the people I love and admire. Thank goodness for the tender mercies that come into our lives at just the right time to help propel us forward.

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