Monday, May 20, 2013

Thanksgiving in China

Unfortunately, they don't celebrate Thanksgiving in China - at least not on the day the US celebrates it. It was just another work day for everyone in this huge land. The school counselor did talk the chef into making a pumpkin pie. It didn't taste quite like pumpkin pie, but it was a valiant effort on his part. Even had a little whipping cream on each piece. Instead of feasting and celebrating, I led my first faculty meeting (which is when we had the pie).

Saturday, November 24 actually ended up being my Thanksgiving celebration. The branch met at the church and had dinner together - turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, salads, vegetables, and lots of dessert. There were probably about 50 people who came, and we just enjoyed each others company and played Pictionary. There was one small difference in the day, no football games for anyone to watch. I have to admit, I didn't miss that part. When it was over, we all cleaned up and went home. Not a bad Thanksgiving really, and I did have plenty to be thankful for. I got to Skype with Marne's family and watch Gwyneth open her birthday presents. I have a job. I have survived almost six months in a new country. I have many friends and family at home who are cheering and praying for me. I feel the comfort of the Spirit in my life. Robert Browning said it best.
The hillside's dew-pearled;
The lark's on the wing'
The snail's on the thorn:
God's in His heaven
All's right with the world!
I haven't seen dew lately, or a lark, or  snail, but I do know God's in his heaven which makes everything right in my world.

(The other thing I didn't do was to take any pictures. I promise to do better next Thanksgiving.)

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