Sunday, May 12, 2013

Last Stop, the Shanghai Museum and then Back to Beijing

It's hard to do justice to a a huge museum especially when we only had an hour or so to see it ourselves.    We rushed from floor to floor taking in as much as we could. There was a section on the history of Chinese clothing, another with beautiful vases and and other artifacts, and a complete floor on the history of amazing antique furniture. If you ever have the chance to visit the museum, I would recommend you spend a little more time to really look around and take everything in. There was so much there to help us understand the land of China better.

We stepped outside into the beautiful sunshine and some great scenes which we shared with all of the other people enjoying the wonderful November day. It was a great way to end a lovely trip to Shanghai.

Char and I caught the train home after a few little mishaps. We wanted to go home on Saturday in order for her to go to church on Sunday and meet the people in my branch. After church, we stopped off at the school so I could show her where I work.
Thus ended a wonderful trip. I am so grateful to Char for coming at just the right time and sharing the wonderful adventures with me. The talks, the sights, the fun! It will always be a sweet memory.

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