Monday, October 6, 2014

A Visit to the Botanical Gardens

April 30, 2013

Nothing like a beautiful sunny day to call us outside to explore. Isabel and I decided we should go to the Botanical Gardens which is in the southeast corner of Beijing. Keep in mind that Beijing is a city/state, and it covers a great deal of land - which is a good thing since it has around 22 million people. We spent around two hours getting to our destination, but some of the time was because we were lost and couldn't decide which bus to take after we came up from the subway. Fortunately, we picked the correct one and arrived at the Botanical Gardens. The rest of the time was spent wandering around and enjoying the beauty and the warmth.

Not all of the plants ware outside. Some of the most unusual and fragile ones were inside greenhouses. 

I am not fragile, but I am unusual - especially in China, so I took a picture with some of the plants. (I may be unusual other places too. In fact I am sure I am. I hope that is a good thing.)

This looked like a lot of fun, but we decided to just watch from afar and take pictures.

That was our day at the Botanical Gardens. Then we waited with all of the other people to catch the bus home which took about two hours even when we didn't get lost. 

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