Monday, October 6, 2014

No Hot Water Notice

April 9, 2013

Whenever the apartment management wants to let us know something important, they post it in the elevator. It is a great place to put such a message because everyone rides the elevator. The only small problem is that they are written in Chinese which means I have missed a few announcements. Fortunately, I am a quick study, and I learned to take a picture and have someone at the school translate it for me. This notice was to let us know that there wouldn't be hot water - for 10 days. I am not sure why they didn't wait until June or July when all anyone wants is a cold shower. No - they have to do it now when it is still in the 40's. Fortunately, I do have a gas stove top and a few pans to help heat the water. It is hard to complain when the majority of the people around the world do not have hot water, or heat, or beds, or houses, or food, or warm clothes, or so many other things I take for granted.

But I am grateful that I found out about it so that the first shower wasn't such a shock.

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