Sunday, July 1, 2012

Home away from home

I think is is time to update my blog.  It has been a very busy week.  I spent a few days looking for an apartment, and Marne has posted pictures of the one that I ended up renting.  It is a very nice place in a good neighborhood.  I looked at a couple of others that were even nicer inside, but they were farther away from the office, and I would have to go through a neighborhood that wasn't as nice, as well as go through a tunnel under the railroad tracks.  Everyone tried to tell me that it was very safe (and I am sure it is), but I just didn't feel right about it.  I will be able to move in on Tuesday if all goes well.  By all going well, I mean I will be able to have the money transferred by Western Union.  I haven't ever used Western Union before, so if you have any idea about how to send money through it, let me know.  I feel very blessed to be able to find an apartment so quickly.  This was the first apartment I looked at, and I felt very strongly that it was the place for me.  The owners said they had another renter who expressed interest before I did, and they had to wait for him to make a decision.  I knew the only thing I could do is pray and ask for help.  I am very grateful that everything worked out as well as it did.

I really can't go any further without reflecting on the Chinese people.  Everyone that I have had any interaction with has been so kind and helpful.  My business partner and his friend by the name of Victor made it possible for me to find an apartment so quickly.  Victor, his wife, new baby and his parents live in an apartment in the same complex.  He spent many hours on Friday and Saturday going with me to look at apartments and then communicated with the realtor for me.  (Kyle helped on Friday, but was out of town on business on Saturday.)  It was Victor's willingness to help me that made the difference.  All of the people are very friendly.  I think it may be because I am the tallest, biggest woman they have ever seen, but they are still very nice.  The shop keepers and others smile and interact in a very positive way.  A smile and a nod don't really help me find my way when I am lost, but they do make me feel better while I keep tying to find my way home.  I actually haven't been really lost.  I have just had to go another street or two, or ride around in a cab while the driver figures out which way to to go.  By the way, I made it to church in 20 minutes today instead of 45 minutes, and it only cost me 21 Chinese dollars instead of 50.  I don't think I will need to leave so early from now - but as sure as I don't, there will be a traffic jam, and I will be late.

Speaking of church, I meet Stephen Toronto at church today.  He is the nephew of Jay and Marilyn Fellows.  He was just put in one of the quorums of Seventies and is part of the East Asia First Presidency.  I got to visit with him for a minutes, and we both agreed that Jay and Marilyn some of the finest people we know.  I always will be grateful that Jay was the basketball coach for my boys and was the bishop of the ward at a very important time for my family.  But Jay and Marilyn are just representative of all of the people in Cottonwood Heights 2nd Ward.  My children and I have been surrounded and blessed by good and kind people.

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