Thursday, July 19, 2012

Latest Update

So - I think I need to give an explanation for not blogging as much lately.  Ever since I moved into my apartment I have had trouble with the Internet.  It took a few days for the Internet provider to get me connected, but even then, I would lose the connection every few days.  Two days ago I thought everything was fine, but yesterday morning the power went off in my apartment, and I lost everything.  Charlie, my computer guru, came by again last night and got it all going again.  Here's hoping that I can have access for a while so I can post on the blog and answer emails.
So I do have to tell you about one quick experience.  The reason the power went off yesterday morning had to do with my living room light.  I turned it off; there was a loud pop, and everything went off.  It was 7:40 a.m., and I was supposed to leave at 8:00 to go to work.  I called Kyle, my business partner,  and explained the problem.  He told me where to find the fuse box.  I tried flipping all of the fuses, but nothing came back on.  Finally, Victor came over and showed me where the main switch was.  As soon as he flipped it, all of the electricity came on - except the living room light.  
That afternoon a fix-it man came by to fix the light.  Without understanding a word of Chinese, I could tell I was supposed to have a light bulb for him to replace the old one.  I let him know I would go and get one.  After I got home, another fix-it man came by to change the lightbulb.  I don't know if you can tell by the pictures of my apartment, but I have very high ceilings.  I would say they are about 11 or 12 feet high.  He looked at the ceiling and then looked at me and gave the look as if to say, "How am I supposed to get up there to change the light bulb?"  Honestly, I was quite surprised that he didn't walk in with a ladder.  He finally picked up one of my black chairs, put it on the table and climbed up into the chair.  He lifted his arms as high as he could but still was a few inches short of reaching the light.  We both looked around for something that would make him a little taller.  I finally took the pillows off the couch and put them in the chair.  Moving very slowly, he climbed into the chair and stood up.  Voila!  He was able to change the lightbulb.  Unfortunately, the light still didn't go on.  Yes, I would like to tell you that yesterday, I was without a living room light, Internet and hot water.  Actually, I can't complain.  Cold showers still feel wonderful.  I can go into my bedroom to have light.  And best of all the Internet is up and running.  God's in his heaven, and all is right with the world as far as I am concerned.

1 comment:

  1. I say there can never be too many blog updates! Keep them coming! Love, Debbie Goodman (DG)
