Saturday, July 21, 2012

I Am Blessed

I am sure it is not a surprise by now, but the Internet went down again.  Actually, I am glad it did because it gave me a chance to rethink my last blog.  I ended it with the quote, “God is in his heaven, and all is right with the world.”  I do believe God is in his heaven and is watching over the world, and I know he has been very involved in my life over the past month.  Although many things continue to happen that confuse and frustrate me, my world is right.  I know, however, that all is not right with the world.  There are so many people whose lives are filled with fear, hunger, lack of comfort and truth.  How can I complain about a broken light or no Internet when there are people who don’t even have a place that keeps them out of the weather.  How can I complain about not having hot water when many people travel far distances to bring back water.  How can I complain about my bed being a little hard when some don’t have a place to rest their heads at night.  How can I complain about the heat or rain when my room is being cooled by an air conditioner.  I cannot complain because I know I am richly blessed.  I also know God is counting on me to do my part to help make the world right for others.  He speaks to my soul and quietly says, “Help me take care of all my children.”  It seems an overwhelming task, but I know with his help, there are things I can do.  Maybe I can offer someone a smile, a hug, a listening ear. (I may have to learn Chinese before I can really lend a listening ear.)  All I know is that I have been blessed throughout my life by people who were trying to make the world right for me and others. Now it is my turn.

1 comment:

  1. Love you Marilyn! You're doing such a great thing =) HUGS!!
