Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Day at Church

Not many LDS chapels have and entrance like the one at the Golden Tower office building.  In fact when you step inside it is a little mall with a Dairy Queen in it.  The church is on the fourth flour at the left side of the building.  A quick elevator ride up, and there you are at church.

As you step off the elevator and turn down the hall, you will begin to see familiar pictures and objects to let you know it is an LDS chapel.  Sacrament meeting was quite crowded, but most of the people are here visiting Beijing.  Many of the branch members are in the US visiting families.  In fact all of the branch presidency and the elders' quorum president have been out of town.  The first counselor in the elders' quorum has been conducting the meetings for a couple of weeks.

We ended the meetings in Relief Society with about 30 sisters from all over the world.  We had a beautiful lesson, and the Spirit was very strong as many of the sisters shared how they had found the gospel.  The tall lady in the black dress with brown hair is the president.  She went on her mission to Taiwan and speaks beautiful Mandarin Chinese.  I must admit I an a little envious of her.  She was the one who went with me to Walmart after I moved into my apartment so I could buy a few things I needed.  She and her husband also invited me over for dinner the first Sunday I spent in Beijing.  I am very grateful for her kindness.

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