Friday, September 14, 2012

Going to Hong Kong

I think I need to give an update to my life.  A week ago last Wednesday I was told that I needed to have an original diploma and work verification letters  I was able to have them scanned to me so I could copy them off in color.  Last Friday Jeff, the man who is helping me with the process, told me the government would not accept them because they were still copies.  I needed documents that were notarized. He also added that I should probably go to the US for a little while because the process would take two to four months to complete.  I told him that if I have to go home for two months, I would stay until after Christmas.  

My head was spinning all last weekend about whether I should return to China in three months, should I keep my apartment, should I take everything with me when I go, etc.  It was a crazy weekend!  On Monday morning I met with Jeff and others at the music school, and they said it would probably work if I were to go to Hong Kong for two to five days, and apply for another tourist visa.  That would give us some extra time until the other documents get here.  So now I will be flying to Hong Kong on Monday morning and will stay there until Friday.  The most extreme outcome of all this would be that I don’t get the visa and my belongings would all still be in Beijing.  That would be exciting.  In reality I most likely will get my visa and be on my way back on Friday evening.  

The best part about the whole thing is that I will be able to spend a lot of time in the temple in Hong Kong.  I contacted the Patron Housing Facility, and they had room for me to stay there.  I think I will borrow the schedule of some German saints that Kim and I met while we were in Frankfurt a few years ago.  They come from Hanover for one week, three times a year.  While they are there, they do 25 sessions between Monday and Saturday.  I was very impressed with their dedication.  I am not sure I will ge able to complete that many, but I do hope to spend as much time as possible there. Now I understand a little better why they do it.  It is very hard to be away from a temple and not be able to go whenever I want.  I have missed it for so many reasons.  

I love the fact that I have just become a little comfortable with Beijing, and now I am going to a completely new city for a week - just another exciting, heart-stopping adventure  I think there is more English spoken in Hong Kong so that will be helpful.  I will let you know how it all turns out.

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