Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wedding Day Celebration

I was sitting in my apartment on Saturday when I heard a great deal of commotion.  At first I thought there was a problem between some people, but it turned out to be a wedding celebration.  All of the wedding party arrived in seven red convertibles.  There were many people at the restaurant waiting for the couple and showered them with colorful confetti.  Please notice the beautiful flower arrangement of red roses on the couple's car.  When I was in Germany - many, many, many years ago - they used roses to decorate the car by putting them on the dashboard, in the back window and anywhere else they could attach them - only they had a black car so it was very dramatic.  How did we digress so far in America to tin cans, shoe polish and filling the car with paper.  I hope this is one bit of our culture the other countries never pick up.

 Just great family pictures on the steps of the restaurant.

And they lived happily ever after.


  1. Marilyn, you have done an impressive job of documenting your experiences. What adventures you have had! I admire your courage.
    Keep up the posts. I love them.

  2. So glad you got your visa so you can continue the great work and I can come visit in November. It was fun to see the pictures of Hong Kong. It's such a cool place! And your mentioning the missionaries arriving made me realize that it was over 10 years ago that Jeremy went there. It's just amazing to contemplate how time passes.
    Hooray for you! I agree with the comment about your bravery; I told you that you're my hero. Can't wait to have some China Adventures with you.
