Friday, September 14, 2012

Just a Bright, Beautiful Day in Beijing

 This is not a picture of the moon.  It was taken about five o'clock in the afternoon.  Notice the mountains are gone and even some of the buildings an so are some of the buildings in the background.  The question I always ask myself on a day like this, "Can I get a sunburn through the pollution?"  I always forget to look it up once I am in my apartment.  I just looked it up and Wikipedia - can I believe them - says pollution stops about 60% of the UV rays.  What can I say.  There are advantages with pollution.

I've sent these two pictures before, but I just wanted you to see that Beijing isn't always filled with pollution.  In fact, I think it is clear more of the time.  It is just like the children's rhyme.
When it is good, it is very, very good.
And when it is bad, it is horrid.

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