Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tasty Cheese Lobster Chips

So here is the update on the potato chips.  Cheese Lobster won the vote.  I bought a package, and decided I would open them and taste them at school with the students.  They actually do taste cheesy and lobstery.  I am sure lobstery is not a word, but if I can say cheesy, can't I say lobstery? They weren't awful, but then my taste buds don't work very well.  The interesting thing is that the students weren't all that excited about eating them either. They tried some, but said they don't eat them very much except maybe for a snack once in a while.  They didn't realize they could eat them with sandwiches.

The girls wouldn't even try the Chinese potato chips.

I thought it was only fair to see if they liked my favorite brand of potato chips - Salt and Vinegar.  You can tell from the picture, but they were not at all impressed with them.  Thomas, the young man in the middle really pulled a face, but I only caught the beginning of his expression.  None of them wanted a second taste.  They definitely did not like the vinegar, and they thought the chips were very salty. 

That is the saga of the potato chips.  I thought I would give the leftovers to one of the students, but no one wanted them.  I brought them home and am eating a few at a time until they are all gone.  I still have a half of bag, and I purchased them last week.  At some point I  may just have to throw them away.

1 comment:

  1. Am i right in saying that the Chinese do not typically use salt in their diets? They must have just died eating "Salt" & Vinegar chips, just like we think "lobster" chips is a strange combo! lol
