Sunday, September 9, 2012

Mothers Set Free

This picture reminds me that people all over the world are more the same than we are different.  I had never seen these women until last week.  They were out in the center of the complex having a wonderful time dancing with their scarfs.  I am sure it was because children are now in school or the weather is so beautiful, or maybe both.  No aerobics for them at the local church.  They are dancing in the park every morning.

1 comment:

  1. So, I just was driving home and thought to myself, "I wonder how Marilyn is doing in China?". This seems like a fitting caption - Mothers set free- I bet Mothers in China are very busy too, but taking time to do a scarf dance near a river would be a good stress reliever!

    I hope you are doing well! We miss you here. We are planning to go to the temple on Thursday with LaVonne. Gail hasn't gone since you went with her. LaVonne is the new Stake RS President! And Judy Wald is her secretary! (so she'll be wonderful too)

    We will be thinking of you and praying that you continue to have a wonderful adventure in teaching English in China. I'm sure it's great fun and you'll have lots of stories to tell when you get back.
