Friday, August 24, 2012

Lunch with Some Co-workers

Wednesday I went to lunch with some co-workers at the music school.  We went to a noodle restaurant, and the food was delicious - much better than what I get at the little market.  I may have to find one near my apartment.  I think it kind of spoiled me to have some good food.  The company was great too.  The man sitting next to me translates documents for the school from Chinese to German.  He lived in Vienna, Austria for ten years studying classical saxophone.  I was able to practice my German with him, but he also speaks English.  The woman by the window studied composition and piano at a music school in St. Petersburg for four years.  She translates documents from Chinese to Russian.  She speaks English quite well too.  The other woman is a registrar for the school and doesn't speak any English.

None of the three are from Beijing; they came here from the north-east part of China - close to Mongolia and Russia.    They say that the area where they come from will one day be the largest city in the world because there are so many people moving there.  Right now there are many little villages, but the they are blending and combining quickly.

Great food!  Great company!  What more can you ask for?

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