Thursday, August 23, 2012

The First Guests in My Home

I have been a little slow posting any blogs this week.  I am not sure why; I have done some fun things.  The first thing I did was on Sunday when I invited two Philippino sisters over for dinner after church. 

Marissa is on the left and Edith on the right.  Marissa left on Wednesday to work in Canada.  She has worked in Hong Kong or Beijing all of her adult life.  She met and married her husband 12 years ago and moved back to the Philippines where she had a son.  She stayed there until her son was 5 years old and then returned to China to work.  She has only seen her husband and eleven-year-old boy about two or three weeks every year.  She is hoping that after she has worked in Canada for two years, she will be able to bring the family there, and they will be able to be together.  She is a very positive person, and full of faith.  She has been trying to help me overcome my fear of riding the bus.  Her favorite saying is, "Don't be afraid of getting lost.  Eventually you will find your way home, and you will be stronger for the experience."  Edith has just moved to Beijing, and so I don't know her as well yet.  I do know she is teacher in her country, but can make a lot more money cleaning houses in China.

They were the first to eat a meal at my house.  We had modified spaghetti.  Modified in that I used penne paste instead of spaghetti noodles and bacon instead of hamburger.  We had a little problem because I forgot to buy a can opener when I went shopping, and we couldn't open the sauce can.  We tried a few different things; finally, Marissa went from door to door until someone opened the can for her.  We added the sauce, some fresh beans and tomatoes - and we had a tasty meal.  I also had a fresh fruit salad and ice cream bars for dessert.  It wasn't bad for my first meal - and the company was wonderful.

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