Monday, August 13, 2012

Where in the World Is Marilyn Prettyman?

Marne and I have been looking on Google Earth for a few weeks, but we couldn't find the right coordinates to locate me.  Yesterday, while she was trying to help me find an Indian restaurant in Beijing (I really do miss Indian food), we were able to find some landmarks and roads.  It took a little while, but we were finally able to identify my apartment building and the building where I work.  It is pretty amazing, and maybe a little bit scary, to be able to pinpoint a specific spot on the earth's surface through a satellite in outer space.  I have uploaded the maps Marne made so you can get an idea of where I am, and where I am in relationship to  Utah.  I am sure you have noticed, but I will point it out anyway, Salt Lake City and Beijing are very close to being on the same latitude which makes our seasons about the same - just add humidity in the summer to Beijing.  (There I go talking about the weather again.)  Thanks Marne, for taking the time to make all of the maps.

This is the picture of my little apartment complex.  My apartment looks west.  That big rectangle to the right of my building is a fancy restaurant.  I have not eaten there and probably won't because all of the cars parked around it are Mercedes-Benz.  I think I will keep picking up my food at the local market for $1.50.

Right now I am teaching at the Music School.  We may even hold our classes there when we have our own students.  If I ever become brave enough to ride the bus, it really isn't too far away from my home.

This is a view of Beijing.  You can see why it took us a little while to locate my apartment building.  If you have been to Beijing, you will notice that I am in a very good location- not very far from the Forbidden Ctiy, Tiananmen Square, and quite close to the Temple of Heaven.  I really couldn't ask for a better location - except my hairdresser who speaks English lives on the north side of town.  Oh well, I can't have everything.

A view of Beijing in China.

A view of Beijing in Asia.

A view of Beijing as it relates to people in the US.  It looks like it is only a stone's throw away.  

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